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 Welcome to Cal-Bri Farms' Babydoll sheep

Family-Friendly Sheep Farm

Our farm is located in Beaver Dam, WI and is home to a flock of Old English Baby Doll South Down Sheep. They are a miniature breed of sheep that are also known as the smiley sheep.


Our farm was started by my daughter choosing two ewes to show in her 4H project.  We immediately fell in love with their adorable smiles and sweet disposition. It didn't take long for us to decide to start a flock of our own.


We now successfully show on a local and state level.  We also take our sheep into local nursing homes to socialize with its residents.  All of our sheep can be registered with OEBMSSR, NABSSAR or both.  


We are proud members of:

  1. Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative

  2. North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association & Registry

  3. Olde English Babydoll Southdown Sheep Registry


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Old English Babydoll Sheep,
the sheep that will make you smile back!

It did not take us long at all, to full in love with this breed of sheep.  They have so many wonderful qualities that I'm sure you'll love as well. To learn more about them please read below.

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Their Small Size

Babydolls are considered a miniature breed of sheep. An adult Babydoll is 18" to 24" at the shoulder.  Their small size makes them much easier to handle and house. There are many benefits of having smaller sheep such as back yard grass mowers, pets, and weed controllers in vineyards and orchards. Their small size and efficient metabolism requires less acreage per animal compared to other breeds of sheep.  They also make great 4H projects for children.



We have found that the babydolls have a very sweet and docile disposition.  For this reason, they are often kept as pets and once again work great for kids 4H project.  They are very calm and easy to work with.  When they see us in the yard they always come to greet us with a smile. We have even worked with a few that enjoy going into resident homes or other similar facilities.  In the picture is Leia greeting one of the residents.


Hardiness and Poductivity

They may be small, but don't let their size fool you, they are also a very hardy sheep. They are great at foraging and do well on small amounts of quality hay. 

They do have strong flocking instincts, which means they tend not to wander away. Due to their strong flocking instinct it is not advised to have only one.  They will not do well on their own. 

The life span of a babydoll is 15-16 years. They have great mothering abilities, tend to lamb without difficulty, and known to have twins.

Babydolls' are considered a dual purpose breed.  They are used for both their wool and meat.  Their wool is a fine wool that is short in length (typically 1.5-2.5 inches) and springy.  The micron count typically ranges from 24 to 29. They may be small but are very stout. They produce a excellent carcass quality and flavorful meat.



Our Sheep

We are just starting out in our adventures so our flock is small but growing.  As a certified Veterinary Technician I strive to breed for both health and conformation.  This year we bred three ewes Leia, Ace of Spades, and Demi.  To learn more about them and what became of our adventures check out our ewes and 2020 lamb links.  We also have two other ewes that we didn't breed because we feel they are too young. Their names are Snicker Doodles and Amelia Earhardt.  We prefer and reccommend on waiting until their second cycle to breed which will be in the fall of 2020 for them. We look forward to seeing what happens this fall so stay tuned.

New additions to the farm are a new dual registered RR ram Donker's Lorenzo and our own home bred Heimdall check out their information on our rams link.


Home: Our Farm

Give us a call today if you would like more information on our sheep.

W7816 Hemlock Rd
Beaver Dam, Dodge County 53916


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